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Thursday, September 9, 2010

2010 Opel GTC Paris Concept Car

At 4.46 meters, the GTC Paris is the ideal size for a compact, sporty car, but it still offers room for five passengers. Most iconic cars have been drawn from the side. Many can be sketched with two or three sharp lines. So, too, with Opel’s new concept car: In profile, the designers have maximized tension by limiting the amount of lines in the GTC Paris. Similar to tendons in a sprinter, these lines create tension and provide a sculpted shape. They serve as the foundation to which the highlights and surfacing react and press to the wheels in a very athletic fashion.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess the key to overtaking Opel GTC is to sell cars that look as boring as a Camry or Corolla. This is as nondescript a design as they come. This thing will vanish in traffic.
Classic Old Cars